Inviting friends to your groupmuse
Inviting friends is a huge part of hosting a groupmuse! Nearby groupmusers will be able to find your event on, but it's important that each host try to build as much of a crowd as they can. You'll read below about some resources that we provide so we can ensure a smashing success and solid compensation for the musicians.
Your main guide for invitations is the website. At the top of your event page, there is a blue banner that says "Manage event". Once you click on this link, the page that opens will show you resources to manage the event and the folks who have already rsvp'd. This means that you can message all attendees, make reservations on behalf of others, and message the musicians for your groupmuse directly with our DM feature.
To get started after you navigate to the "manage event page", you should click on the green button that says "build your crowd":
Clicking on the green button will take you to a page including 4 options to build the crowd for your groupmuse:
Invite nearby groupmusers
Using this tool allows you to invite any groupmusers signed up to receive messages from us who are geographically in your area. Don't feel afraid to use this tool! Groupmusers rely on our messages to let them know what cool groupmuses are happening near them. A personal welcome from the host themselves is super effective in getting groupmusers to rsvp to your event.
Invite by email
Do you have any friends and family who are not registered groupmusers that you'd like to invite? You can click the "invite by email" button to send them a pre-formatted message. Just copy and paste your email addresses into the address field. You can customize the title of the email and add a personal message to make sure it stands out in your family and friends' inboxes.
Invite by community connections
Clicking on this green button will take you to a page where you can browse a list of groupmusers based on other events you have attended, hosted, or (if you're a self-hosting musician) performed. Anyone that has been sent a message by the other methods will be grayed out here so that you don't send them a duplicate invitation.
Invite past hosts
This feature will allow you to message hosts of previous groupmuses that you've been to. Any hosts who were messaged using any of the other tools will not receive a duplicate message through this feature.
Invite via text message
We also now have additional features such as the ability to send a customizable text message to any groupmusers that are signed up to receive text messages from us about your groupmuse. On the crowd building page, click the green button that says "send sms invites to your previous guests"
Your generosity to host and effort to share your home with the community is what makes patronage possible that values our musicians, compensating them for their artistry. Groupmuse relies on the $5 reservation fees to support itself, and it also gives you and the musicians a much more definite rsvp list (we all know how frequently people rsvp to Facebook events, for example, and then don't show up).