Getting involved as a performer

All musicians leading a groupmuse performance must be approved by the Groupmuse team. To get started, the first step is to fill out a musician interest form here:

Once you've filled out an interest form, wait for our team to get back in touch. If we'd like to invite you to get further involved, we'll reach out with next steps.

Unfortunately, we still have a small team, and so approvals can take a while, but if you want to speed up your approval, there is a way! Send us an email to [email protected] with a description of how you’re going to take the initiative in finding your own groupmuse hosts. We don’t focus on fast approvals when it seems like we have enough musicians for our hosts, so if you show us that you’re going to find your own hosts, that gives us a great reason to approve you sooner!

Here's what we're looking for in musician interest forms: 

1. Repertoire and Recordings

Link at least one recording of traditional historical music and show that you can put together great programs of at least half traditional historical music.

2. Artistry

We want musicians who can really tell musical stories to their audiences. That means a reasonable level of technical ability and the artistic ability to develop and execute an interpretive concept.

3. Presentability

Reasonable pictures, complete names, and some bio information.

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