What is the refund policy?

If you've paid for a ticket or reservation, you can cancel it on our website for a full refund (minus processing fees) up until 24 hours before sales close for that event. Usually, that means you can cancel anytime before the day of the event. If any particular event requires more than 24 hours notice to refund purchases, it will be clearly marked as such and not eligible for a refund.

What if I never got off the waitlist?

If you are stuck on the waitlist, or your reservation is never approved by the host, you can always refund your purchase. We'll even automatically email you with refund instructions if the event comes and passes and you don't get in.

Why 24 hours?

We want to be fair to your changing plans, but also need to protect hosts, musicians, and partners from last minute cancellations. Hosts are expecting you, and musicians rely on attendees to get paid.

What about processing fees?

Credit card processing fees are unfortunately unrecoverable. E.g. if you were charged $20, the largest refund you can get back is $19.12. Trust us, we wish credit cards worked differently, too, but this isn't our policy, it's our payment processor's.

If you think there's been a mistake, don't be shy! We're friendly folks, and we're happy to help with any issues or questions you have. Go to support.groupmuse.com and click "contact us".

How long do refunds take?

Once we process the refund, please allow 1-3 business days after the date it was initated to reflect in your account. Note that refunds may appear as a credit on your account, or in the form of a reversal. In the case of a reversal, the original payment will disappear from your bank statement, and a separate credit is not issued.

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